Dedicated to Summer


We’ve had a good run this summer – and despite the 90 degree weather we’ve had recently, it’s almost over. I made cookie dough cookie cups for a new birthday party tradition, baked in an overheated, unairconditioned kitchen and far more than I had time to report on this summer.  And then there was the zucchini.

I kind of think the zucchini is like the Chicago weather. A lot of times, plain zucchini is not very good. But most people know you can make it amazing, especially if it’s in season. There are summer boat rides, $2 sangrias on amazing patios, street fairs and more ice cream cones than you know what to do with. Grilled zucchini salads, pizzas, zucchini bread pancakes with a cream cheese topping and then spiced zucchini bread muffins. And, of course, the chocolate chip zucchini bread you keep telling yourself is healthy because it’s whole wheat. Just don’t eat the whole loaf by yourself, and it’s fine.

For some reason, it’s just not everyone’s’ favorite. It’s no pumpkin bread. And it certainly isn’t banana bread either. They’re all delicious and similar in many ways, but zucchini is rarely the front-runner. Kind of like how Chicago often plays third string to New York and L.A. It’s really an unsung hero. For those few months of summer when zucchini is in season, you have to take advantage of the versatile vegetable in all its glory. I know I certainly have.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen (obviously)

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups grated zucchini (About 1 very large zucchini)
1 cup olive oil
3 large eggs
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
3 tsp vanilla extract
3 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp ginger
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grate zucchini by hand. If you want a lighter zucchini flavor, you can finely chop it in your food processor.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar and oil. Stir in the vanilla and zucchini.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients, leaving out the chocolate chips.
  4. Pour dry ingredients into the wet, and then fold in your chocolate chips. You can also add in chopped nuts.
  5. Spray or butter your pans – you should be able to fill two loaf pans, or make one loaf and about a dozen muffins.
  6. Bake loaf for about 50-60 minutes. If you make muffins instead they will take about 25 minutes.

Share it, save it for winter or devour it all at once. If this sweltering weather keeps up, we might just have zucchini year-round. Not that I could let a pesky little thing like weather ruin my day – or tell me what I can and cannot bake.

On Challenging Yourself (with Brownies)


Not eating from the candy drawer at work, remembering to feed my goldfish (yes, I still have a goldfish) and taking the stairs when the elevator is constantly broken in my building – these are the challenges I face every day. Sometimes I like to throw some other curve balls in there just for fun. And because apparently the world is out to get gingers, I really have to be extra tough. These are the other challenges I’ve faced recently.

  1. Avoiding heat exhaustion/sweat overload/general uncomfortableness
    In case you are blissfully unaware, it’s uncontrollably hot outside, and it has been so on and off the past few weeks. Considering the fact that I don’t have central air (and am hot all the time regardless), this heatwave hasn’t been ideal for my overall well-being. I basically try to vacate my apartment as much as possible and then retreat to my room for sleeping purposes and the general enjoyment of my A/C window unit. Which leads me to #2…

  2. Summer baking hours
    I’m just not feeling like myself lately because I’m physically unable to bake in the climate that my kitchen has acclimated to.  You know the saying, “I put my blood, sweat and tears into this.”? That would be me, literally. Only more of the middle one.

  3. Turning on my oven on Saturday
    Was I crazy?? I actually turned on my oven Saturday (WHILE THE SUN WAS STILL OUT) to bake something. I obviously was a baking emergency to even consider doing such a thing. I had to bake Abby a birthday treat, and I decided on caramel brownie bites with caramel buttercream frosting. They were this good. And yes, that is caramel oozing out of the center. The whole situation felt like a hot yoga class. I was in my workout clothes for a reason. And instead of my apron, I threw on a sweat band for good measure. No, I’m not kidding.

  4. Melting caramels (is not as easy as it sounds)
    If you do decide to make this recipe, you won’t regret it. But you will regret not following my recipe for the buttercream frosting. Firstly, I don’t think I’ve ever melted caramels before, and it’s a dangerous business. I’m the kind of girl who likes to do everything the hard way, so I tried melting them down on the stove. DON’T DO THIS. It’s just silly.

    You can use a double boiler, but that’s really a waste of time. You’ll want to microwave about 15 caramels with 2 tbsp milk in 30 second increments until they are melted. Stir together and let sit for just a few minutes to cool. Meanwhile, cream together 1 1/2 sticks of butter. Add in 1 cup of powdered sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp cinnamon. Slowly incorporate the caramel sauce. Your buttercream will melt slightly – just throw it in the fridge for a bit, and it’s fixed.

  5. Not eating all the brownies
    I only brought 8 of the brownies to dinner since I didn’t want to have leftovers, meaning there were about 10 left in my apartment (this is not including the one I already ate). I could have kept them all for myself, but I am a thoughtful (and hopefully skinnier) person so I gave the rest to Abby. Minus the two I kept for myself.

    Also, do NOT refrigerate these brownie bites. The caramel will solidify and you’ll chip a tooth or something. Thankfully, I did not. But that’s only because the second I removed it from the fridge the heat of my apartment instantaneously began to melt it.

  6.  Avoiding all social media for a day
    Not all of my challenges have to involve food…right?  Last night I really wanted to write this post, but I also really wanted to go on Facebook. And Twitter. And Pinterest. So, yeah it didn’t happen. I made a vow to avoid social networks for one day, just to see if I had the willpower and to actually get something done in my life. I had to go on Facebook today because, umm that’s sort of my job. The Marley Viewpoints account really isn’t that interesting though. And then I had to go on Pinterest just for like a second to pin this recipe for chocolate covered chocolate chip cookie dough balls. And obviously again just now to find the recipe. That Pinterest really is a time saver, though.

    Anyways, it’s really, really hard. Because I don’t necessarily feel like I’m missing out. I just don’t want to forget anyone’s birthday or be a day too late to untag a seriously awful photo of myself like chugging strawberry-rhubarb pie (the dessert…not shots) and chasing it with some nutella poundcake. Not that this photo exists or anything. It’s really a healthy cleanse, though, and I feel like a more productive (sane) person.

This heat is really not helping my sanity. I do sort of feel like I’m on a diet against my own will. On the plus side, I may start experimenting with cooking straight on my countertop, no oven required. Hey, I’m moving in month, so anything goes.

Why A Cookie in a Cookie Makes So Much Sense


Cookie dough in a cookie cup…sounds crazy, right? It sounds amazing. And it was, when I made it for the birthday party Sarah and I had last weekend. She requested a batch of my s’mores bars, which I made for her actual birthday. She also requested that I write a post about her. A little presumptuous that I’d want to write something about her, don’t you think?

I figured these cookie dough cookie cups would be appropriate for our party considering how much Sarah loves the cookie monster cupcakes from Sweet Mandy B’s. Check them out if you haven’t yet. But the dessert was perfect in a different way. I started thinking that maybe the two of us are kind of like the cookie and cookie dough.

From the outside, the two aren’t the same at all. They taste different, and they look different. Mom always tells you not to eat one of them (I think we all know who the bad influence is in this metaphor). And the other is a dessert classic (not to toot my own horn or anything). But on the inside, these two couldn’t be more similar.

They have all the same ingredients. They like reality TV, old school R&B and could always go for a slice of Domino’s on a hot summer day…We’re not talking about the cookies anymore in case you missed that transition. Separately, the cookie and cookie dough are both delicious. But together? They’re seriously amazing. It’s kind of dangerous leaving the two of them together. Things can get weird.

On that note, here’s the recipe, which you should definitely make because it’s super easy. It calls for a lot of butter. Just throw it in there and pretend you didn’t see anything.

Cookie Dough Cookie Cups
Adapted from Cookies & Cups (what an appropriate name)

Makes about 24

Cookie Cups: 

  • 1 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups dark chocolate chips (I used chopped up chocolate, but you can use whatever type you prefer)

Cookie Dough:

  • 1 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips (the original recipe says these are optional but I disagree. Go out and buy some)
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Put cupcake lines into your muffin tins.
  2. Starting with the cookie cups, cream together the butter and sugar. It’s more helpful to have a stand mixer, but a hand mixer is fine, too. Keep the bowl out after you’re done so you can make your cookie dough without having to wash dishes.
  3. Next, add in the eggs and vanilla until mixture is smooth.
  4. Slowly add in your dry ingredients until well incorporated. Fold in the chocolate or chocolate chips.
  5. Fill your cupcake liners with the dough so they all are about halfway full. You’ll have to press it down a bit so it’s evenly distributed.
  6. Bake for about 12 minutes, or until lightly browned on top. The cookie cups with be soft in the middle when you remove them from the oven but that is good. They will harden upon standing. When they’re done, immediately press down in the middle of each of them with a spoon, forming a well for the cookie dough. Let cool at room temperature or refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Now, onto the cookie dough. In your same bowl, cream together butter and sugars.
  8. Add in the milk and vanilla.
  9. Then, incorporate the flour and salt. Stir in your mini chocolate chips.
  10. Once the cookie cups are fully cooled, fill each with the cookie dough. You can use a piping bag if you want to be fancy, but a spoon works just fine.
  11. Top with a garnish of mini chocolate chips on top of the cookie dough. Serve immediately.

I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime or a better friend to share my birthday with. I have a feeling we’ll be celebrating many more birthdays together – with many more desserts to come. This post is proof I actually baked a dessert for our party…I have a feeling Sarah might not remember.

Graduating to Vegetarianism


As some of you may know, I don’t eat meat. I guess I wouldn’t classify myself as a real vegetarian, but rather a pescatarian. Long story short is that I cut out red meat at about age 9 after seeing the movie Babe and stopped eating poultry right before my senior year of college after reading Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food” – a more sophisticated piece of work than a movie about talking animals, yet both had the same effect. Go figure.

My cousin Brittany is graduating from Kansas University this weekend. I know this seems like a tangent but just go with it for a minute. Brittany and I have always loved the same foods…and eating in general for that reason…but she’s made fun of me for years for not eating meat. For such a foodie, she would say, I’m really missing out on all the best stuff. I tend to understand where she’s coming from and am a little bashful of my vegetarianism. She does have a good point considering what I hear about steaks and burgers. And this thing called…bacon?

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got a text from her saying she was thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Was this a prank? A pre-graduation crisis? Or a ploy to become more like her much adored older cousin? Possibly a combination of all three if we’re being honest.

When I started thinking about it, graduating college is a lot like becoming a vegetarian. I mean just think about it. You’re giving up something really substantial in both cases. With graduating you’re giving up a carefree lifestyle and the one time in your life you can enjoy being with your friends at all times without any worries. With vegetarianism you’re giving up something some would call equally important: meat.

In both cases you’re making a sacrifice, but you do get something in return. I mean really in both cases you’re getting some major health benefits. No more drinking every single night. Say goodbye to late night burgers and fries (that one works in both situations I’m pretty sure). But it’s comforting to know all that change can be worth it. Sure, you might be moving on to start a new life with a job, a different city and a whole new set of priorities, but you’ll have the weekends, vacations and reunions to look forward to. You’ll have new challenges (how can you make spaghetti and meatballs vegetarian?), goals (don’t drunk eat. it will result in chicken fingers) and rewards (winning a baking competition? or losing that weight you put on from eating everything in sight when you studied abroad? check!).

Regardless of her final decision, I’m so proud of Brittany for everything she has accomplished. She’s gotten over her chronic snoring and kicking throughout the night (we had many sleepovers as kids. I don’t think I got much sleep), posted mouth-watering photos of homemade meals on Instagram (withholding sassy comment here) and will be a college graduate in just a few days. I’m sure she has many more accomplishments but I will leave those out because I don’t have anything particularly witty to say about them.

Plus, look at all she has to look forward to – no meat included:

Breakfast – Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Lunch – Curry Tofu, Quinoa, Caramelized Onions, Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Kale

and Dinner – Eggplant Pasta Bake

Don’t forget about dessert…which is usually vegetarian anyways, as most people can tell from my blog. You can probably have matzo toffee any time of year since your mom is awesome (and open to admitting baking mistakes like the toxic flourless chocolate cake debacle of Passover ’12).

Anyways, whether or not you decide to go meatless is besides the point. The point is that you are now a mature adult, making real, important decisions about your life. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. You know you can always come to me for advice – because clearly I will respond by posting about it on the Internet for all your friends and family to see. And if you ever have another crisis, don’t do anything drastic like cut more foods out of your diet, okay?

Congrats, Brit!

Cookies in Cupcakes…and with Potato Chips


I’m starting to think the tremendous following my blog used to have has fallen off because my recent posts have been – as some would say – sentimental. It’s hard to suppress how naturally funny I am, so these were some very challenging posts to write.  It’s kind of hard to do post dedications without getting a little bit mushy.

These chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes need no dedication. Shout out to Moira because if it wasn’t for her birthday, I wouldn’t have had a reason to bake. Although, do I ever really need a reason? I absolutely love raw cookie dough. When I was little I would get Dairy Queen cookie dough  blizzards and sneak store-bought cookie dough out of the fridge. Honestly, I still do both of these things…but without access to a Dairy Queen or my parents’ refrigerator, I had to come up with another way to satiate my craving.

The cupcakes themselves didn’t quite live up to my expectations. The dough is pretty much completely baked on the inside, as that often happens when you put things in the oven. Should’ve thought that one through in advance. In the future, I would prefer to add in the cookie dough after the cakes have baked. As a result, the real star of the show (aside from the unreal frosting) were the mini chocolate covered potato chip cookies that adorned the cupcakes. If you do want to make the cupcakes, check out the recipe here.

Now, onto these cookies. I posted the cookie recipe that I had fallen in love with on Chicago Foodies some time ago. The milk chocolate chunk hazelnut cookies were actually incredible if you like nutella (and who doesn’t??? Of course you do). So I figured the milk chocolate covered ruffle potato chips from Trader Joe’s wouldn’t make a bad addition either. The result was incredible. The sweet chocolate with the salty chips. The crunch from the chips and the turbinado sugar. Unspeakably good.

If you make them full size, you’ll get better results because of the amazingly chewy inside of the cookie compared to the crunchy edges. The small version is way better for sharing and just adorable.

Chocolate Covered Potato Chip Cookies
Makes about very 14 large cookies or 40 minis

*Note: Account for time to freeze the dough. These do not bake immediately.

2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup turbinado sugar (can substitute brown sugar)
3/4 cup white sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 bag milk chocolate covered potato chips, Trader Joe’s

  1. Mix together flour, baking soda and salt in a small bowl.
  2. In a separate large bowl, melt the butter. Immediately add in your sugars and stir. The turbinado sugar will mostly dissolve, but you’ll still get a little crunch in the cookie.
  3. Add in your egg and egg yolk, and then the vanilla.
  4. Stir in your dry ingredients into the wet. Then, chop the chips into small pieces. You want to make them very small, especially if you are making the mini cookies. Fold the chips into the dough.
  5. Get out a prepared cookie sheet, and roll out evenly sized balls, either small or large. If you’re making the cupcakes, you can make the 12 small cookies and the rest large. The dough will be greasy because of the melted butter. Don’t worry – this is a good sign. For larger cookies, slightly flatten the dough balls, and place all on the cookie sheet close together, as this pan is going in the freezer.
  6. Leave pan in the freezer for 30-45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F for large cookies, 375 for mini.
  7. Remove pan from freezer and space out dough on at least two cookie sheets. They spread out a lot when baking. Bake for about 14 minutes for large cookies, 12-13 minutes for minis, or until slightly golden brown on the edges. They probably will look puffy and not done, but they will firm up upon standing.

After you remove them from the oven, let them cool thoroughly before moving them off the cookie sheet. If you skip this step you’ll wind up with potato chip chunks falling all over the place. It’s hard not to like these cookies since potato chips are a pretty universally liked food. And so are cookies, I think.

Make these if you want to really impress someone. Or you want someone to like you. Or you’re really sorry for something. Or you’re just hungry. Hey, Trader Joe…can you send me some more of those chocolate covered potato chips, please? With a cookie dough cupcake on the bottom?

Getting S’more Perspective


We all know that life can be disappointing. Sometimes everything seems to be going our way, and just as we turn the corner, it all comes crashing down. Maybe they’re out of marshmallow fluff at every grocery store, you don’t have any milk to make pancakes on Sunday morning and your roommate keeps eating your overripe bananas (banana bread is tough work). Things could be worse.

Sometimes bigger things make us feel like the world is ending. A breakup. Another job interview failure. It’s hard to see that these things are stepping stones towards the bigger picture. I read a book recently that changed all that. “Sarah’s Key”  tells the story of a little girl torn from her family during the Holocaust. At some point while I was tearing up and turning pages, I realized no matter how hard life seems at times, things could be worse.

We have friends. We have family. And, of course, we have food. I guess this post isn’t for one particular person but instead serves as a reminder to appreciate everyone in our lives. Family who put up with us no matter what, coworkers who brighten up our lives 5 days a week, and friends who make the weekends worth living for.

These s’mores bars are a pretty awesome way to show your appreciation for the special people in your life. They are dense, gooey versions of the childhood favorite, and I haven’t come across anyone who didn’t love them. They’re not too rich, meaning they’re also dangerously addictive. The bar itself tastes like a graham cracker flavored cookie, and the touch of cinnamon really enhances the flavor.

S’mores Bars
Adapted from Lovin’ From the Oven 

3/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg + 1 egg white
1 1/2  + 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 king size chocolate bars (I used Hershey’s dark chocolate)
1 12 oz. container marshmallow fluff

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9×9 square baking  pan.
  2. Cream together butter and sugars until fluffy. Then, add in eggs and vanilla.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon.
  4. Using your mixer, slowly incorporate your dry ingredients into your wet.
  5. Press half the dough evenly onto the bottom of the pan. If you’re not sure how much is half. err on the cautious side because you don’t want to run out of dough for the top.
  6. Next, lay the chocolate bars on top. Evenly spread the fluff over them.
  7. Press the rest of the dough on top, making sure none of the fluff is peaking through. I found it easiest to flatten chunks of it in my hand first, then adding it carefully on top. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until top is lightly browned.

I learned my lesson the hard way – make sure you let these bars thoroughly cool before cutting them. Or you will have a big mess on your hands…not unlike real s’mores. Putting the pan in the fridge first works best. Make them now and make them often. People will think you are a baking genius.

You’re How Old Again?


Turning 24 is a big birthday…apparently. It’s also actually your 8th birthday x 3, which is appropriate because that is what Jamie’s birthday celebration turned out to be. Whirlyball birthday party, sports birthday banner and, of course, some dirt pie  with gummy worms for dessert.

The amazing part is that Jamie is actually one of my most mature friends (no offense to anyone else). She’s the responsible one when we go out, she always plays mom by driving us around and she would never (never) let anyone walk home alone. Needless to say who knows where I would be right now if I hadn’t met her living across the hall from me freshman year of college.

While she may be mature, she enjoys the simple things – quoting the same lines from movies over and over, dancing when she’s stressed, yelling at the TV when the White Sox don’t pull through and laughing out loud at Friends with me. Oh, she also likes Oreos and peanut butter.

When Sarah suggested I make dirt pie for the birthday celebrations, I was a little unsure at first. I never just do things by the recipe. And I didn’t. I know how much Jamie loves peanut butter, so I took it upon myself to fit in a peanut butter layer too. I didn’t think there was a way to make dirt pie better than it already is, but I’m pretty sure I found it.

Peanut Butter Dirt Pie
Recipe adapted from

About 12-18 small plastic cups

1 package Oreo cookies
2 packages instant chocolate pudding
1 12 oz. tub vanilla Cool Whip – 1/2 cup (save for peanut butter layer)
8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 cup softened butter
1 cup powdered sugar
3 cups milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
gummy worms (3-4 for each cup)

Peanut butter Cream:

1 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup Cool Whip
1/2 stick unsalted butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup milk

  1. Crush Oreos in a food processor and set aside.
  2. Combine pudding mix and milk. Allow to sit a few minutes in the refrigerator
  3. Fold in the Cool Whip to the pudding.
  4. Cream together the powdered sugar, butter and cream cheese. This is essentially just frosting…it’s okay, don’t worry about it.
  5. Fold together pudding and “frosting” mixture. There will probably be chunks, but try to smooth them out. Set this bowl in the refrigerator.
  6. For the peanut butter mixture: using your electric mixer, combine the peanut butter, powdered sugar and butter.
  7. Add in the vanilla, milk and Cool Whip. You may need a bit more milk if mixture seems too thick.
  8. Get our your plastic cups. Add a layer of the pudding mixture to each. Top with the peanut butter cream and then some crushed Oreos. Add an equal amount of the pudding mixture on top. Finish it off with more cookie crumbs. Pop in a few gummy worms (I used the sour kind) into each cup.
Chill these until serving them for the next 8-year-old birthday –  or 24th birthday celebration. Whatever. Did she like them? I’m not sure…let’s look back.

For that face of gratitude, I’d make these any day.

It wasn’t your traditional birthday cake – or cupcake – but it was a major success. Peanut butter and Oreos are the perfect pair, just like peanut butter and chocolate. You get a great crunch from the cookie crumbs, not to mention how cute these are with the gummy worms peeking out of the top. I’d say they were pretty much a home run.

Papa Al Popovers – With Cinnamon Apples


I’ve been meaning to do a recipe dedication for some time now. I made these popovers, enjoyed them and only when I was looking at the photo did the connection become apparent to me. My 91-year-old grandfather passed away a few weeks ago. He lived a pretty incredible life. He loved his family, his job at his accounting firm and, of course, he loved food. He craved key lime pie and matzo ball soup. He loved sweets and preferred his food piping hot. And he especially loved anything homemade.

I wish I could’ve made a whole pie in his honor – I made one for him and my grandma some time ago, and I think it took them a whole month to eat it. Instead, I made brunch for my friends yesterday morning. I served leftover bagels with addictively savory scallion cream cheese, my favorite raspberry coffee cake and these apple cinnamon popovers. And I obviously ended up with even more food than I was trying to get rid of.

In the end, it didn’t matter. I am so grateful to have friends who are there for me no matter what is going on in my life. From what I saw this past week, Papa Al had some pretty amazing friends and family, too. Just like these popovers, he was incredibly tall, sweet and full of surprises. On the outside, he always looked so serious – it was hard to get a smile out of him at times. But he was genuinely a really funny person. He amazed us with the hilarious comments he slipped in when we least expected it.

I said in my speech at the funeral that I feel it is a shame we wait until someone passes away to tell everyone else how wonderful they were. I really meant that. So, I’m going to start a series of blog posts dedicated to people in my life who are important to me. I can’t promise how often I’ll post, but I can promise that each recipe will be meaningful in some way. If you just can’t get enough of me, check out more of my recipes at Chicago Foodies.

Now, on to the recipe. These were surprisingly easy to make. I don’t think mine turned out quite as the recipe intended, since the apples sunk to the bottom. Regardless, they were delicious, and I’d definitely make them again. Popovers are like a mix between a muffin and a pancake. They look beautiful as they come out of the oven, and then they instantly deflate. I would recommend using a special popover pan when you’re baking them (a gift from my friends, of course), but a large muffin pan should do fine, too.

Cinnamon Apple Popovers
Adapted from

Serves 6

2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp butter, melted

Apple filling:
3 apples
2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup brown or turbinado sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

  1. Peel apples and slice finely. I cut mine in thin strips and then halved them.
  2. Saute in butter until soft and lightly browned. Then, add cinnamon and brown sugar until melted.
  3. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  4. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Add in flour,  sugar, salt and melted butter until batter is smooth.
  5. Spray popover pan well and fill each cup with some of the apple mixture. Put in the preheated oven for 5 minutes to warm up.
  6. Remove pan from oven, and pour batter over apples until it is almost full. If you’re using a regular muffin tin, you will definitely want to fill it up less.
  7. Bake for 10 minutes. Then, reduce heat to 375 degrees F and bake for another 15 minutes, or until they have popped over the top and are golden brown. Serve immediately. Don’t burn the roof of your mouth.

Why My Family’s Hanukkah Recipes Are Better Than Yours


I really don’t mean to start some type of confrontation – especially after I’ve neglected my blog for so long – but the title of this post is true. My family really only makes two traditional Hanukkah dishes. We don’t enjoy fried sufganiyot (I’m not sure why…because who doesn’t like fried doughnuts?), and we haven’t munched on latkes since I was little. But my favorite two dishes we do exceptionally well.

For years my aunt made some truly remarkable rugelach cookies. They are crescent-shaped buttery cookies filled with, in this case, a cinnamon sugar mixture. It sounds pretty basic, yet they are anything but. Most rugelach I have tasted can be dry and not very flavorful. These are sweet with a rich and comforting flavor from the cinnamon. And I actually think I’m addicted. When I visited her recently, she baked me about 4 dozen of them even though (gasp!) it was not yet Hanukkah, and I housed at least a dozen as soon as I spotted them. They are small…and I think that’s my rationale for eating so many.

I decided to make them this year myself, and it was a major struggle. The recipe isn’t quite as easy as I thought considering I don’t own a stand mixer. I promised my aunt I wouldn’t share her recipe with anyone. So I’ll just shove this picture in your face. Anyways, I don’t think you want the recipe. There’s a lot of butter in these. And I don’t want anyone else commercializing on her baking success other than myself.

This year I also made my mom’s famous noodle kugel. It’s mostly just famous in my family because it is ridiculously good. It is sweet and almost cheesecake-like since there is so much cheese filling in the noodles.The graham cracker crumb and brown sugar topping adds that perfect crunch to the soft noodles.

Making my kugel and the cookies made me really realize that no matter how good someone else’s recipe is, you always think your family’s recipes are the best. Sweet or salty kugel, plain or filled rugelach. It depends on what you grew up eating. These holiday foods can’t be enjoyed just any time of year, so they are coveted even more than your favorite food truck that only comes once a month. I mean, isn’t eating what (America) holidays are all about?

Mom’s Noodle Kugel 

Bake in 8X8 pan (or double recipe for 9X13 inch pan)

8 oz. no yolk extra broad noodles
8 oz. cottage cheese
4 oz.  cream cheese
3 large eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups milk (skim is fine)
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt

3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
3 tbsp brown sugar (the original recipe calls for 3 tbsp so the topping has more of a crunch)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp melted butter

  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Put the stick of butter in the 8X8 pan. Put the pan in your preheated oven until butter melts.
  2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat together cream cheese and sugar with  a hand mixer.
  3. Then, add in eggs, vanilla, cottage cheese and salt.
  4. Finally mix in the milk. Make sure there are no chunks of cream cheese.
  5. When the butter has melted, remove from the oven and put noodles straight i
    nto the pan raw. Pour cheese mixture over the top, and bake for about one hour. Don’t worry all that much about the noodles being coated completely evenly.
    **To ensure that all noodles are cooked and coated properly: after 30 minutes in the oven, remove kugel and press down until the cheese mixture goes over the top of the noodles.
  6. Combine all topping ingredients when kugel is almost done. Sprinkle them over the top, and bake for an additional 35 mintes.

Take this dish to your holiday party and you’ll definitely upstage the Christmas cookies – maybe even the latkes, too.

Some Things Should Always Stick Together – Pumpkin Whoopie Pies


Old friends are kind of amazing. They’ll remember your birthday without looking at Facebook. They know your dog’s name from growing up and the result of every game of truth or dare you’ve ever played together. These are the kind of friends you can always laugh at yourself with – and especially laugh at each other with. And with the risk of sounding too cheesy, let me get on with my story.

I happen to have these kinds of friends – some of whom I’ve known since I was born, one whom I found on the playground playing with a calculator and befriended…and others whom I met in high school and are far too normal to be friends with us but are anyways. We all get busy, we forget to catch up and some of us even move away. But we try our best to stick together.

I decided to organize a reunion with my friends from junior high and high school, and it was long overdue. Since I was hosting, I wanted to impress my guests by debuting a new recipe or two. I decided pumpkin would be the easiest seasonal flavor, ( because when is it not?) and since I was sick of the usual cupcakes, whoopie pies it would be. I told my guests that dinner wouldn’t be served. Although, these are cookie sandwiches…so that’s sort of a meal, right?

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting
Adapted from Crave.Indulge.Satisfy 

1.5 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 Tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1.5 cups pumpkin puree, chilled (this will prevent batter from spreading when baking)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or spray with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Mix all dry ingredients together until combined.
  3. Mix together oil, sugars, vanilla and egg in a large bowl. Then mix in the pumpkin puree.
  4. Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the wet.
  5. Using an ice cream scoop or a spoon, scoop balls of dough onto the pan. Make sure they are all evenly sized so you can sandwich the cookies together. Push the dough down a bit on the pan. Note: I’ve realized that most people aren’t that cool with eating two cookies AND a ton of frosting, so make these cookies very small so they aren’t too intimidating.
  6. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until cookies are thoroughly cooked in the center. Allow them to cool before removing from the pan or frosting them.

Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting

4 oz. whipped cream cheese
1/2 stick butter, softened
1 cups confectioners sugar (you can add more if it isn’t sweet enough for you)
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Cream together cream cheese and butter with an electric mixer. Then , slowly incorporate the powdered sugar. Finally, mix in the vanilla and cinnamon. When the cookies are cooled, spread the frosting on the bottom of each cookie, and sandwich the same-sized cookies together.

Check out that frosting to cookie ratio. The whoopie pies, along with the reunion, were a big success. Who doesn’t love red wine, baked brie and cream cheese frosting? It was quite the collection of food, old stories and a diary excerpt that had most of us laughing to tears. Another big laugh – this giant cupcake that looks like it belongs on

Yeah, GBN 2006. Let’s just say it tasted better than it looked.